Wednesday, December 7, 2011

State of the Union December 5, 2011

State of the Union Dec. 5, 2011 nline at
The phone number for logon ID or password reset help is 1-888-337-2400 (Opt 1-1-GMIN). The deadline for referral submissions is Friday, Dec.9.

We have been informed that a letter regarding this year’s Quality Bonus will be forthcoming this week from National Labor Relations. As soon as it is received it will be communicated.

From Benefits: We recently received a communication from the UAW/GM Department. It said: The SUB changes are nearly complete and the 74% flat rate table will be implemented the week starting Dec. 12; Entry level life insurance increases went into effect on Oct. 3rd. Traditional changes will not take effect until March 1, 2012 and active members beyond age 65 will have life insurance maximums restored; Under dental insurance, new covered benefits began Oct. 3; All health care changes go into effect on Jan. 1st; Until the hearing aid network starts up (Audionet) you cannot take advantage of two hearing aids. If you have any questions regarding any of these items, contact your benefits.

You are cordially invited to the UAW Local 2250 Christmas celebration to be held on Saturday, Dec. 10 at the Union Hall. Doors open at 6:30 pm and dinner is served at 7 pm. Snacks, beer and setups will be provided. Music, provided by Marlon “DJ” Brown, will run from 8 pm to midnight. Also on Dec. 10, Santa Claus will be coming to the Union Hall from 9 am to 11 am. Donuts, juice and coffee will be served. Bring your children and grandchildren and don’t forget your camera.

Safety Reminder: As we all know, there have been a lot of transfers and new employees in the plant and that puts people in unfamiliar areas. So be extra careful when moving around the plant and stick to the pedestrian aisles. Make eye contact with any mobile equipment drivers and “wait for the wave”.

The plant has a new direct run rate target of 83.4. The target has dropped because two elements have been added into the calculations – front end alignment and headlight aim. The target will rise to 85 eventually.

From Community Services: Starting tomorrow and running for the rest of the week, people will be collecting money in General Assembly for Adopt-A-Child. All of the names have been taken so this money will be used to level the gifts for each child. As always, thanks for your generosity.

The startup plan for the first week of January for the addition of the second shift has been finalized. The plan is based on “build blocks”, which are blocks of time with standard activities. These blocks will run 30 minutes for Tuesday, Jan. 3 and Wednesday, Jan. 4 and will be 45 minutes Thursday, Jan. 5. Here is the schedule for Tuesday, Jan. 3:

13 Build Blocks 30 Minutes Each
- Production number will be based on the build – Max 25
- 6:00 – 8:00
- 20 minute Team Meeting
- G/L visits each team
- T/L and T/M review Safety No Blip Pre Work Section
- Plan for UATs
- 8:20 - Begin Build Blocks
- First 10 minutes - line will run normally
- Use Andon
- Next 20 Minutes - Conveyors will turn off automatically
- Team Focus
- Review the jobs just built
- Training, Rundowns, Correct Parts, Electrical Connections, etc.
- Complete UATs
- Check for Mutilations
- Breaks and Lunch at Normal Times
- 1:20 Team Meeting
- 2:30 G/L, S/L Escalation Meeting
- 3:00 GA S/L Daily Meeting
- 5:12 Shift Ends 10.7
Wednesday will run the same as Tuesday except the line will run for 15 minutes and be down for 15 minutes.

Here is the schedule for Thursday:
o 14 Build Blocks 45 Minutes Each
o Production number is Max 100
o 6:00 – 6:30 Team Meeting
o 6:30 Begin Build Blocks
o 1st shift normal breaks and lunch
o 12:00 – 12:30 Team Meeting
o 2nd shift starts @ 12:00 p.m. – Both Shifts Team Meeting
o 2:00 G/L S/L Escalation Meeting
o 2:30 GA S/L Meeting
o 4:30 2nd shift lunch
o 5:06 1st Shift Ends
o 7:20 Team Meeting
o 11:06 2nd Shift Ends

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