April 9, 2015 online at www.uawlocal2250.com
From Chairman Mike Bullock:
The weekly job postings were submitted after 1st shift went home on 4/2. The intent of posting job transfers over a two week period Thursday through Tuesday is so employees who are on vacation will have the opportunity to bid. Because the job postings were submitted late and 1st shift had gone home for the week, this week’s postings will run through 4/13th. The posting includes 69 assembler openings in Body. The openings have been created because of the re-rate of the van body shop. These openings are available to all seniority employees and those employees who were converted to permanent and don’t have their 90 days in. Currently all 69 openings have been not been bid on. This is the 2nd time management has attempted to re-rate van body. The last time was 3/12 and 21 jobs were added.
A requisition for 62 permanent openings has been submitted to the National Parties. These openings will be filled by GM employees who have signed up to come to Wentzville. If all the openings are not filled by National Hire, temporaries will be converted to permanent from the 2/11 and the 2/16 group.
Notices have been posted at the front door for the hiring of up to 1000 employees for the Flex shift. Employees will be hired for both Production and Skilled Trades. These employees will be dues paying members of UAW Local 2250. Employees can have friends and family go to this website to apply: http://www.gm.appone.com/
All the details of a flex schedule are still being fine-tuned but the “broad brush” picture of what a “flex” schedule would look like is this: All 3 shifts will continue to operate Monday to Friday 8 hours, up to 9. Each shift will work every 3rd Saturday 8 to 10 hours on their respective shift. Another Saturday shift will operate on Saturdays. This shift will be staffed by “flex” employees (to be hired).
Those employees whose shift worked on Saturday will be able to volunteer for one Sunday shift. A signup for Sundays will be conducted. “Flex” employees will backfill any open jobs that are not signed up for. Traditional employees may work on flex shifts to cover absences. This is a general outline of a “flex” schedule.
Many, many details will still need to be negotiated.
Fidelity Investments will be in the plant April 29 through June 2 for 8 sessions. Topics will include Budgeting/Debt management, Building a Portfolio, Preparing your Savings for Retirement. Keep in mind that General Motors is putting money into a 401K for your retirement. One of these sessions will assist you in investing your money correctly. Sessions will be both one on one or group workshops.
I encourage everyone to sign up for one of the sessions. Class sizes are limited, sign up early (form is on back – you can drop them in the Suggestion boxes at the entrances).
Resolutions for the Local Contract will be accepted April 15th through May 15th. Forms are available from your committeeman, or at the Union Hall and can be returned to the same.
Local Demand 190: Relief, Emergency – Management will continue to provide relief to employees for emergency restroom needs without undue delay to employees who have requested such emergency relief. The respective parties involved will discuss any abuse of this procedure. If you have any questions about the above Local Demand in our Local Agreement, ask your committeeman.
Tom Brune
UAW Communications Coordinator
Wentzville Assembly
Is http://www.gm.appone.com/ a legit site?