• From the Benefits Department: All new hire permanent employees will receive health care on their 91st day. However, you must call Fidelity at 1-800-489-4646 within 30 days of receiving health care so there is no lapse in coverage and your Bank of America card is up to date. If you have any questions please see your benefits rep.
• The annual Annie Malone Parade will be held this coming Sunday, May 18. Anyone who wishes can help ride in vehicles, pass out beads or help decorate. We will be meeting at Gateway St. Louis Buick (previously Behlmann Buick GMC), 820 McDonnell Blvd, St. Louis MO 63042 at 10:30 am on May 18 and will be departing for the parade staging area no later than 10:45 am. For anyone wishing to help decorate the float, you can locate us at the parade staging area which is located on Market Street between Compton Ave and Jefferson Ave at 12 noon. Remember, admittance to the staging area is by entry sticker only. There is street parking in the downtown area and some near the staging area. For questions or detailed directions call Dan Williams at 314-616-2271.
• From the Veterans Committee: The 26th Annual Run for the Wall will be Monday, May 19. You are invited to come and welcome more than 500 motorcycles making their way across the heartland of America to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington DC to honor the men and women still unaccounted for, from all of our wars. We will meet at the Wentzville VFW Post 5327, located on Hwy Z ½ mile south of I-70 at 6 pm. Please remember all of our Veterans and pray for the troops who are currently in harm’s way.
• There is a Community Services committee meeting Thursday, May 15 between shifts in the cafeteria. All are welcome to attend.
• There will be an Education Committee meeting Wednesday, May 14 between shifts in the cafeteria. All are welcome to attend.
• The Blood Drive is tomorrow. Times are 9 am to 2 pm and 7 pm to midnight and will be held in the tour holding room. The drive is being conducted by Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center. • The $1000 Lump Sum Bonus will be payable during the week ending June 8. The eligibility date for this bonus is Thursday, May 15. Eligible employees are defined as those whose status with the Company as of the eligibility date is one of the following:
- Active with Seniority
- On temporary layoff status
- On leave pursuant to Family and Medical Leave Act
- On one of the following leaves of absence which has not exceeded 90 days as of the eligibility date:
- Informal (Par. 103)
- Formal (Par. 104)
- Sickness and Accident (Par.106/108)
- Military (Par. 112 or 218[a])
- Educational (Par. 113)
• Workers at Lear in Selma, Alabama, who make seat foam for Hyundai have been living far too long with dangerous chemicals, low wages, and mandatory 12 hour days (even on weekends and holidays). Now, they are standing up and doing something about it. In the past week alone, there have been more than a half-dozen plant evacuations after a series of chemical leaks. The chemical—called TDI—causes chronic asthma and other lifelong breathing problems. On May 7, a group of workers at this plant marched on their boss and demanded change. They want to form a union with the UAW so workers have a voice in developing a long-term solution to the safety problems. They want to bargain fair wages. Currently workers at the plant start at $9.00 an hour, and no production worker makes more than $11.25, even after nine years of service. They want to stop getting disciplinary points when they have to go to the hospital to treat their breathing problems. And that’s just the beginning. These workers need our support! Please sign the petition and tell Lear and Hyundai that enough is enough! Go to this website.
• Bob “I’m not anti-union” Corker has finally cleared his throat after his guarantees of VW awarding a new SUV to the Chattanooga plant upon rejection of the UAW were met with……well, nothing. Following a VW supervisory board meeting Monday that was widely expected to render a verdict on the location of production, but instead revealed nothing new, Corker spoke with the media. He said that a decision on where Volkswagen will build the SUV is due “in the very near future.” Departing from his previous assurances he said, “I’m not going to put a time frame, but it’s moving in the right direction.” Asked if Chattanooga is now a shoo-in for the plant, Corker said, “Well, I’m saying we had a long pause, which was unfortunate, and it takes a while to sort of get the gears back moving again. But I have no indication that things are different than we thought prior to the election. It does take a while to sort of get everybody moving together and moving ahead. But again, there’s more happening than meets the eye,” Corker said. What exactly is happening? According to Republican Gov. Bill Haslam, who spoke with the media last week, “We’ve had conversations about trying to set up a meeting. But we haven’t had any meetings.” Back to you Bob: “I think if you had that conversation with the governor today he’d give you a different response. Again, the election was just certified within the last few weeks and you know things are moving in the direction that we thought they would.”

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