We have been informed that as a result of already achieving full production after the model change this week, mandatory overtime relating to the model change is no longer in effect.
Reminder: It is General Motors policy that no weapons are allowed on company property, which includes inside the plant, the parking lots and surrounding areas such as the ball fields.
The Women’s Committee golf tournament has been rescheduled for Sunday, Sept. 23. Start time will be 1 pm and the location is still Country Lake golf course in Warrenton.
GM has announced increased Employee Vehicle Allowance (EVA) cash on most 2012 models. You can combine this with the preferred price, consumer cash and other offers like trade in allowance or Chevy confidence cash to get a great deal on a new car, truck or SUV. Models with increased EVA include the Chevrolet Camaro, Equinox, Impala, Silverado (reg. and ext. cab) and Traverse; Buick Enclave and LaCrosse; Cadillac Escalade and CTS; and GMC Acadia, Terrain and Sierra (reg. and ext. cab).
You must take delivery by July 31. Here are a couple of price examples:
- MSRP of Equinox LTZ FWD with optional equipment - $ 31,045.00 Preferred Pricing: $29,955.36 Employee Vehicle Allowance -$2,000.00 Chevy Confidence Cash -$500.00 Price You Pay - $27,455.36 Your Discount $3,589.64
- MSRP of Sierra 1500 Ext. Cab SLE 2WD with optional equipment - $33,285.00 Preferred Pricing: $31,439.82 Employee Vehicle Allowance -$3,500.00 Consumer Cash -$3,000.00 Trade-In Allowance -$1,000.00 Loyalty/Conquest Cash -$500.00 Price You Pay - $23,439.82 Your Discount - $9,845.18
From Automotive News: Automakers are pretty good at keeping future product secrets but occasionally suppliers let cats out of bags unintentionally, and General Motors has been burned twice recently. Canadian toolmaker Omega Tool recently showed off its capabilities in a video on its Web site. In the process it inadvertently revealed the injection-molded bumper cover for the redesigned 2014 Corvette -- a big deal among Vette devotees. The car is to debut at the Detroit auto show in January, and Chevy is doing its best to keep the car under wraps. Omega yanked the video after its miscue gained fame on the Internet, but Corvette fans have sent it speeding around cyberspace. And another GM supplier helped confirm plans for a redone GMC Canyon pickup, even though GM hasn't acknowledged the truck's existence. This is the last year for the current Canyon and Chevy Colorado pickups, and GM is winding down the plant that builds them. GM announced a redone Colorado but has been mum on plans for GMC. But Rugged Liner Inc., of Owosso, Mich., has put out a release saying that it will supply bed liners for the 2015 Chevy Colorado -- and GMC Canyon. Obama made the right call on the auto bailout
By UAW President Bob King:
The bankruptcy restructuring General Motors and Chrysler in 2009 through the creation of new companies formed with assets purchased from those troubled companies was highly successful. Today GM and Chrysler are profitable, investing in America and creating jobs. President Obama’s decision to act to save GM and Chrysler prevented an economic catastrophe that would have thrown the nation into a full-blown depression and resulted in dozens of additional bankruptcies in the auto industry and across industrial America. Instead, the auto industry today accounts for an outsized share of economic growthand is helping lead our nation's economic recovery.
Yet, for political critics of the Obama administration, this achievement, completing a process started by President Bush, is barely worth mentioning. The problem for these critics is that the public, especially in states with a large auto industry presence, knows better. People who lived through the ups and downs of the auto industry remember well what happened and how it turned out. So when Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney insists that GM and Chrysler should have been restructured in a deal financed by private lenders, the public remembers that no entity besides the U.S. Treasury would provide that funding. Without the Treasury, "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" would have turned into "Force Detroit to Liquidate," with all the economic calamity that would have followed. U.S.Judge Arthur Gonzales found exactly that in the order authorizing the sale of Chrysler's assets to the new Chrysler: "The sale transaction is the only alternative to liquidation available to the debtors." Another oft-repeated criticism is the claim that bankrupt Chrysler's secured creditors got less than they were entitled to under the bankruptcy code. In fact, the secured creditors received the highest possible amount available to them. Judge Gonzales affirmed this point in the sale order: "The sale transaction will provide a greater recovery for the debtors' creditors than would be provided by any other practical available alternative, including, without limitation, liquidation whether under chapter 11 or chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code." The Chrysler creditors group agreed, with 90% supporting the sale as ordered. The U.S. Appeals Court and the Supreme Court also agreed: Challenges to the treatment of various categories of creditors were rejected. Yet, well after the questions of fact and law were settled in court, claims to the contrary are common among the president's opponents.
The latest salvo comes from the Heritage Foundation, repeating the idea that the United Auto Workers' retiree health care trusts received more money than they were entitled to under the principles of bankruptcy reorganization when compared with unsecured creditors. But the comparison is hardly apt. The creditor's recovery is still occurring as a part of the bankruptcy restructuring, while the health care funding was approved by the court under the specific part of the bankruptcy code that deals with retirees, resulting in agreements with the new GM and Chrysler. The companies prudently bargained new contracts with the employees (and suppliers) they needed to be successful as newly formed entities. That amounts to good business judgment that is difficult to second-guess when both GM and Chrysler are performing better than they have in decades. This improvement was not achieved without significant sacrifice on the part of UAW members.
Many plants were closed, and tens of thousands of UAW members lost their jobs. Those hired before 2007 haven't had a raise since 2003. They also gave up cost-of-living raises, bonuses, vacation pay, overtime pay, holidays and break time. Those hired since 2007 are working for lower pay and benefits that have allowed the companies to hire thousands of workers at a greatly reduced cost. Retiree health care liabilities were shifted to the retiree trusts; retirees lost vision and dental coverage and face increased out-of-pocket costs. Last year, UAW members approved four-year collective bargaining agreements with the domestic automakers that contain no raises, but the deals have the possibility of increased at-risk compensation through profit sharing. In return, the companies agreed to invest in U.S facilities and create at least 20,000 new direct jobs that will result in tens of thousands of supporting jobs at suppliers and other businesses supported by the auto industry in communities across the country. In those communities, we are seeing plants retooled for new products and new technology, especially as manufacturers race to meet consumer expectations for more fuel-efficient vehicles. While the political opponents of the auto rescue package are sure to continue their flawed criticisms, those who live and work in auto communities across the nation see the success, the employment growth and the sense of a brighter future, and that is the real thing worth remembering about what President Obama did to save the U.S. auto industry.
Tom Brune
UAW/GM Communications Coordinator
Wentzville Assembly
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